Clinical Hypnotherapy to feel more confident, calmer and healthier  

Solution Focused Therapy and Hypnosis can help you access your inner strengths and abilities so you can become free to live the life you want.

The world can feel uncertain at the moment and causes many of us a lot of stress and anxiety.

You have so much experience, strengths and skills, but some of these may have become hidden by this stress, limiting beliefs, or ill health.

  • Would you like to let go of emotional issues that hold you back so you can have more confidence and self-worth?

  • You may want to find better ways to cope with stress and anxiety, so you can think more clearly, feel calmer and have more joy?

  • Are physical issues such as IBS, wanting to lose weight, or chronic pain holding you back? Would you like to effectively manage these so you can become free to do the things you want?

Do you remember springing out of bed, excited about the new day?

We all deserve to feel fully engaged in life and have hope. To feel that our lives have meaning.
You really can find that energy even though it may not seem possible yet.

What can hypnotherapy be used for?

Clinical Hypnotherapy and Solution Focused therapy can help you with for example anxiety, limiting beliefs, outdated habits, and health problems. These can all hinder you from living and enjoying your life in the way that you want. Hypnotherapy can help you feel in ways that support your best hopes, more easily and quickly. Here are some issues people come to me for:



Anxiety and Stress

Relieve Pain

Improve Performance


About Lena Tolkien

Hi, I’m Lena,

a psychologist certified in

Clinical Hypnotherapy,

Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), Gut Directed Hypnotherapy and

Dr Muss’ Rewind therapy for PTSD.


Some reasons why I love and use hypnotherapy:

1.    Hypnotherapy releases stress and anxiety automatically so you will feel calmer immediately. 

2.    The messages communicate with your subconscious mind, while your conscious awareness is more quiet. Therefore you don’t argue with yourself by eg saying things like: “I can’t do…”, “who am I to…”. This helps you change more quickly.

3.    Your brain doesn’t properly know the difference between reality and imagination; you react to everything you think (have you ever had a racing heart when you watched a horror movie?). In hypnosis you can vividly experience what you want, perfectly for you,  so your brain learns quickly.

Also, it feels lovely!


Solution Focused Hypnotherapy in 3 easy steps:


Understand your brain

Explain how your mind works so you can choose more helpful ways of thinking.

Explore your best hopes

Work together to create a map to what you hope to achieve, your strengths, and what living your desired life could look and feel like in your everyday life. Solution Focused therapy is in itself a very effective type of therapy with large scientific backing.


Hypnosis sets your new, useful thoughts faster, and gently releases stress and anxiety.


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